17 Transistors are free | 0 Quote 32-bit as 64 | 7 Compare with parallel implementation rather than best serial | 14 We've never had parallel systems before | 9 Mutilate the algorithm to match the architecture |
20 Our ideas are so revolutionary, we can't even simulate them | 22 All computing tasks are just like ray tracing | 15 Programmers are lazy | 18 This new architecture will fix everything | 4 Project linearly |
12 AI | 24 We don't have any other choice | FREE | 3 Scale up the problem size | 5 Compare to scalar unoptimized Cray |
23 Everyone will encode video 24 hours a day | 16 The previous generation didn't know about Moore's Law | 19 This new programming language will fix everything | 2 Compare assembly to Fortran or C | 1 Inner kernel, not the system |
21 We'll demonstrate that it works next year | 13 Universities don't teach parallel programming | 11 Show Pretty Pictures | 6 Compare with old, obsolete system | 10 Compare dedicated system to multi-user |
With the end of clock rate scaling, there's been a mad dash towards
multi-core architectures. While not widely known, there has in fact
been prior attempts to use parallel computing. Things have not necessarily
gone well.
To make the impending disaster more entertaining, we can play Parallel
Computing Bingo while listening to technical talks and keynotes; this
is a game similar to WWDC Bingo.
On the bingo card are twelve classic observations from a 1991 paper by
David Blyler, highlighting ways in which the performance of parallel
computers were completely misrepresented. Many of these are alive and
well, and appear on a regular basis. The second set of twelve are the
result of a highly scientific study performed at the 2008 IEEE DATC Electronic
Design Processes workshop. Together, with a center "free" cell, they make
a bingo card that can be played at conferences around the world. Individual
bingo cards can be downloaded from the EDP web site.
For more information about the original 12, please refer to: